Start Appium Server 2.x using different languages

     Appium Server is the core component of the Appium architecture. It is written in Node.js and runs on the local machine or in the cloud. Appium’s API is based on the W3C WebDriver Protocol, and it has supported this protocol for years. Before the W3C WebDriver Protocol was designed as a web standard, several... Continue Reading →

Challenges in Appium Server 2.x Service Instantiation

     We know that most of them are in the migration stage of Appium 1.x to Appium 2.x. There are some changes in the Appium server instantiation logic when we use the Selenium 4.x and Appium Server 2.x. Starting the Appium server's service using AppiumDriverLocalService and we discussed different driver services in the previous... Continue Reading →

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